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Summer Memories Last Forever

To our community, staff, our camp families, and our campers. As parents and camp owners for 20 years we certainly appreciate the uncertain and unprecedented time we are all experiencing. Like you, we are monitoring the Covid-19 situation closely as we prepare and plan for camp this summer. 


It is crystal clear to us that all of our kids need summer camp more than ever now. Social distancing is hard on all of us, especially our children. Camp is a special place, providing our children opportunities to grow their social, physical, and emotional selves, like no other place in the world. Although there are still obstacles in front of us and progress to be made, we are optimistic Adventure Day Camp will operate this summer.


We understand that your planning this year may feel uncertain, as the situation is changing daily. As a result, we have updated our terms and conditions to offer you peace of mind to enroll for the 2020 summer.



  • Although tuition is nonrefundable, if we are forced to cancel YOUR summer program due to forces beyond our control (force majeure), you will have the option to have ALL of your paid tuition credited to be used towards the 2021 summer. In addition, you will be guaranteed to lock in the lower 2020 rate that you now secure. We do expect tuition to increase in 2021.  


  • If Adventure Day Camp does not operate YOUR  program due to forces beyond our control (force majeure), a non-recoverable amount of money already spent by Adventure Day Camp may be deducted before you are issued a refund. This amount includes funds already spent up until the time the camp declares YOUR camp program will not operate. We expect this to be approximately $400 per full day, 3 session tuition. 


  • If we are forced to cancel parts or all of YOUR summer program due to forces beyond our control (force majeure) you will have the option to move any part or all of YOUR session to other 2020 sessions without any transfer fees 


Most importantly, we are fully confident that when we do operate camp, we will always keep your child safe and healthy.  In addition to our longstanding and thorough safety procedures and staff training protocols, we will follow the latest guidelines on health and safety, cleaning and preparedness from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the local departments of health in our area. As information is changing quickly, we are regularly reviewing and updating our policies to ensure that we stay current with CDC/local recommendations to keep our campers and staff safe. Well before camp starts, we will provide you with complete details of all of our updated procedures.


These times will not last forever and we have to trust that once we do see life return to “normal” our appreciation for aspects of our life we may have overlooked in the past will be strong. We will get through this, and Adventure Day Camp will be there to greet you and your family on that first day of camp.


If you have any questions about our policies, plans, or procedures, we are always available to answer your questions or concerns.


Stay safe, well, and happy.


Sunshine and Kevin Welch

Camp Owners / Directors



COPIED 8/23/20

All of us at Adventure Day are thrilled to say that at this time we are planning, organising, and preparing for the 2020 summer. The uncertainty this spring has been difficult for everyone, it definitely has been for our family. Our decision to offer camp or not was always centered around whether or not we felt we could do so safely. We rely completely  on the guidance that is being organised by Contra Costa Health Services Department and The American Camping Association as well as over 20 years of camp experience.  We are extremely confident that we can offer an amazing summer camp experience while keeping your child safe.


At this time we are asking families interested in our Walnut Creek location to join our wait list. We will have a better idea of our capacity by June 1, 2020. Our San Ramon location has immediate openings. You may enroll  HERE.


Safety related points:

  • Campers will be placed in groups of 10-12 same aged children with 2 Camp Counselors. These campers and staff will be together for the entire session and they will be unable to mix with other groups.  Groups will social distance from each other. This actually fits pretty closely into what we normally do at camp with the exception of the social distancing aspect. 

  • We plan on lowering our enrolment to around 140 at our Walnut Creek location and around 84 at our San Ramon location. This is half the enrolment we usually have and will allow us greater space for social distancing.

  • All staff and campers 13 and above will be required to wear masks at all times.

  • Hand washing and sanitising stations will be readily available throughout camp.

  • Temperature checking and documenting each morning

  • There will be enhanced cleaning and sanitising practices throughout camp

  • No equipment will be shared between groups. 

  • Campers will be required to attend a full, 3 week session. We are not allowed to have families entering a group after the session starts. 

  • Our staff is made up of over 90% returning staff this summer.


  1. Where is camp being held? Because The Seven Hiills School has closed for the summer, our Walnut Creek camp will be held at 860 Bancroft Rd, Walnut Creek. Our San Ramon program will continue to run as normal at The Dorris-Eaton School in San Ramon.

  2. What will the camp day look like? Camp hours are from 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. The typical camp activities will be scheduled for groups from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. Free play will be organized within the group structure before and after these times. 

  3. Will we still offer transportation? We are asking for local families to drive their children to and from camp. If you have enrolled for transportation, this part of your tuition will be refunded. We anticipate still offering some form of transportation from the Orinda & Oakland area and will have further details on how that will happen early next week. During the camp day, if groups need transportation we will spread them out within two vehicles or social distance within a bus. In most cases, your child's driver will also be their counselor.

  4. What activities will be affected?. All activities we normally offer will be available except for Sailing. Kayaking and Canoeing will be offered each session. Some families have legitimately questioned whether camp will be worth it for their child with all the changes. We are very confident that it will be. Please note that with less numbers of campers, your child will have more horseback riding, more time at archery, rock climbing, etc. They will have 2 counselors instead of one therefore more personal attention. We are really coming up with some fun ways to make this summer as “normal” as ever. More to come on that!

  5. How will the groups be organized? Campers will be grouped with same age children like always. At this time, whether they will be coed or not is still under consideration. We are also discussing the option for you to have siblings grouped together.


The decision to open camp is not one we took lightly. This decision was and always will be predicated on the belief that we have the ability to implement practices and procedures  to greatly minimize your child's risk. Our boys will be attending camp and we pledge to always make decisions for your child consistent with what we would do for them. t is crystal clear to us that all of our kids need summer camp more than ever now. Social distancing is hard on all of us, especially our children. Camp is a special place, providing our children opportunities to grow their social, physical, and emotional selves, like no other place in the world.


Sunshine and I would like to sincerely thank all of our camp families for the continued support. It's a difficult and unprecedented time we are faced with but we know that we can get through this together. It will be our absolute pleasure to see your child this summer after what we know has been a challenging few months for them. We can't wait to run with them, laugh with them, sing and dance with them, smile with them. It will be amazing to just sit with them creating a friendship bracelet while discussing who is cooler Dog Man or Captain Underpants.


Warm regards,

Kevin and Sunshine Welch

Owners / Directors

Adventure Day Camp


Adventure Day Camp's Coronavirus Update

Updated 5/15/20

© 2014 by Adventure Day Camp 

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